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(jeffa) Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code

by jeffa (Bishop)
on Apr 03, 2002 at 16:03 UTC ( [id://156335]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code

Your argument is at best trivial. Simply comparing the syntaxes of two languages is not enough for me to consider switching. I am sitting in on a Python class and so far i haven't seen a need for it in my queue. I'd rather spend my energy learning Perl6.

Yes, you may be saving a character or two now, but wait until you need the full power of CPAN (and yes, this comment will self-explode when/if the Python 'CPAN' finally catches up to Perl's).


Python: it's just like Perl - but different!


quote the mothra in the Chatterbox:
"realize that CPAN is just a really big collection of code that has all the same drawbacks as mentioned in the post."

i don't need to comment on this, do i? ;)

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