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Tux vs. Daemon

by jdube (Initiate)
on Dec 30, 1999 at 21:11 UTC ( [id://1596]=poem: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

#!/usr/bin/perl #A Perl poem by the masked JAPH BATTLE: $tux chop($daemon); die $daemon; $daemon dump($tux, $garbage); $tux eval($daemon) && $daemon study($tux); $daemon tell($tux) #You will fall before me. $tux warn($daemon) #Back off, man. $daemon chomp $tux; $tux kill $daemon; $daemon die, bless(ed by-God), $daemon connect $fist, $tux; $tux close(garage-door on $daemon); $tux $feels alarm(because-daemon-gets-up); $daemon bind($tux, railway-tie); $daemon exec(ute) $tux; but $tux(is-immortal) && so-is-daemon; so-battle-rages-forever; $withoutEndAndNoOneIsHappy; __END__

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RE: Tux vs. Daemon
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 10, 2000 at 03:30 UTC
    Isn't it kind of cheating to use comments? I mean, why not just write a poem and put #s before every line?
      It doesn't compile either
        I know, I know... but it was my first try. If I have time I'll actually write a _good_ one :)

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