Here are some of my favorite perlmonks posts. These are highly subjective, so don't feel too bad if any of your favorites are left out. They are in chronological order.
- Paradigm Shift - Don't use strict
- Advanced Sorting - GRT - Guttman Rosler Transform
- Favourite modules March 2002
- Re: Does undef free ram?
- Re: make perl release memory
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Slowness when inserting into pre-extended array
- Re: Clearing an Array of Array's from memory
- Re: Re: Re: Clearing an Array of Array's from memory
- Re: Tutorial: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- A different OO approach
- Re: A different OO approach
- Class::InsideOut - yet another riff on inside out objects.
- Temporarily disabling overloaded operations.
- DBI recipes
- Things you need to know before programming Perl ithreads
- How do YOU do OO in Perl?
- A (memory) poor man's <strike>hash</strike> lookup table.
- Building Enterprise Web Applications with Maypole
- Optimising processing for large data files.
- May Thy Closures Be Blessed
- OO Inheritence
- Iterating over combinations (permutations, power set, and combinations discussed)
- RFC: Is there more to alias?
- RFC: Apache::Controller (For the replies more than my original post.)
- Here you go: an example of top-down FP (A great Haskell post on Perlmonks! Who would have thought?)
- Categorized Damian Modules
- RFC : AJAX + DBI = DBIx::LiveGrid
- Two Different Languages: Two Similar Books (PBP and CCS)
- Hacking perl
- GET access to Super Search, and corresponding shortcut?