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Re: Re: Re: perl development OS of choice

by Elian (Parson)
on Jun 01, 2002 at 16:03 UTC ( [id://170926]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: perl development OS of choice
in thread perl development OS of choice

The CPAN issue's a generic problem with the old CPAN module--the first thing you should do is install the latest CPAN, and it takes care of that. It's an old issue long since fixed. (Just fixed after 5.6.0 was released) The installed base is far less tiny than you might think, too. OS X does have some issues with some of the ancillary libraries (like Curses) but I've not had problems with anything that I've not had problems elsewhere with.

(Linux, though, is unix, as much as any other unix out there)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: perl development OS of choice
by rah (Monk) on Jun 04, 2002 at 04:09 UTC
    I could continue to argue the Linux is not UNIX point, but since the OP asked that the thread not become a holy war I will refrain.

    Appreciate the tip on the Bit of a chicken/egg dilemma, but I think I can get around it. Now if you could just tell me how to get 5.6.1 to build (or when 5.8.0 will be released), I'd be all set :) Although only a minor version difference (5.6.0 vs 5.6.1) I would really like to get my development boxes in sync with my production environment. Thanks again.

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