Thanks all for the suggestions, but I really want "X" Tk, not Aqua or CamelBones, etc. We just had a thread recently, where many espoused the virtues of OS X as a perl development platform. Here's a case where I'd like to be able to use OS X to develop perl Tk I will deploy on UNIX, but can't. Building an Aqua GUI brings me no closer to my goal. The Darwin development community has done a great job bringing "X" to OS X. Rootless X works great. There are nice Window Managers available. I thought this would be a realtively straight forward build with a fully functional X-windows install, but my attempts to build Perl Tk look like they failed for realtively simple reasons (looked like a recursion in an atempt to link a shared library). I can't find it. Apparently I am simpler than the bug. The author acknowledged the problem and said a fix would come out, but no sign. I was hoping someone here may have figured a way around this problem. | [reply] |