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Pasting in power point

by Bourgeois_Rage (Beadle)
on Jun 09, 2000 at 00:07 UTC ( [id://17191]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Bourgeois_Rage has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hey this sounds really petty and annoying, but please humor me and don't vote this down because it's an easy thing to do without Perl.

I have a group of users who would like to take a screen shot of a graph and a list on a screen from a browser, and put it into PowerPoint. I told them they can try and alt-PrintScreen and then paste it into the PowerPoint file, but they would rather just push a button and let Perl do the work for them.

Help me out guys, I know if anyone has seen this done, they are around here.


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(jcwren) Re: Pasting in power point
by jcwren (Prior) on Jun 09, 2000 at 04:46 UTC
    Could you qualify this and say whether the Perl script is running on the machine with the screen shot you want, or if it's an external box.

    If it's an external box, you're basically hosed. There's no way to get a screen image saved (that I'm aware of), without having a program you can run on the box. It might be conceivable with a Java application (not JavaScript), but even that is questionable (no experience on my part).

    If you're running perl on the box with the screen you want to save, you might have slightly better luck. I imagine you'd still need them to hit Alt-print-screen, then do something with the clipboard (there are Perl modules that will allow you to ultimately get to the data in the clipboard).

    Assuming you get the data input a file, you can use the OLE methods to manipulate the PowerPoint files. There are some example in other nodes about talking to Excel that could be used as a reference for talking to Power Point.

    If you're generating the graphs on the server, rather than directing the output to the browser, you could write to a file format you could make use of (using ImageMagick, or other package).

    Mostly it would help to specify the environment a little more.

      Sorry, I wasn't more specific.

      I'm running Win98 as an OS.
      I want to capture the viewing window inside an IE browser.
      The Perl program is running on a HP-UX Server.
      I kinda like the idea of creating a file with it. I'look into that.

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