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Overloading functions

by BigJoe (Curate)
on Jun 18, 2002 at 18:19 UTC ( [id://175445]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

BigJoe has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to overload a function in a module. I was reading the documentation about Apache::AuthenNTLM to tweak it to what I need and I want to overload the handler function like he describes but it doesn't work. The line This override rules never gets written. Does any one know where I can find information on debugging method overiding?
package MyOverride; use strict; use Apache::AuthenNTLM; use Apache::Constants qw(OK FORBIDDEN REDIRECT); @MyOverride::ISA = qw(Apache::AuthenNTLM) sub handler ($$) { my ($self, $r) = @_; print STDERR "\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis override Rules\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; return Apache::AuthenNTLM::handler ($self, $r) if(0); return OK; } 1;


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Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Overloading functions
by samtregar (Abbot) on Jun 18, 2002 at 18:36 UTC
    How are you using Apache::AuthenNTLM? For this change to work you'll need to change any references to Apache::AuthenNTLM to use your new sub-class MyOverride. For example, if this was used as an Authen handler (just a guess) you would use:

    PerlAuthenHandler MyOverride

    Does that help?

    BTW: the correct term for what you're doing above is overriding. Overloading refers to something totally different - see overload for details.


Re: Overloading functions
by domm (Chaplain) on Jun 18, 2002 at 19:52 UTC
    I know nothing about Apache::AuthenNTLM, but I assume you did the obvious things, like restarting Apache etc?

    One reason might be that you have written your handler as a method handler (sub handler ($$)), but are calling it like a normal handler.

    Try this in your httpd.conf

    PerlAuthenHandler MyOverride->handler

    Or change your handler to a "normal" handler, like so:

    sub handler { my $r = shift; ...

    What about not printing to STDERR, but to use $r->log->error('bla')

    You could post you message to the mod_perl mailing list, but please read this before you do. There are a lot of very clever minds there...

    -- #!/usr/bin/perl for(ref bless[],just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}
      I gave your two suggestions a try. The first one gives me an error that possibly MyOverride has not been loaded. The second runs but nothing is populated in the error log. I will change my print STDERR to $r->log->error but I don't think that will fix it because when I wrote some mod_perl that wasn't doing this but still generating errors I used STDERR.

      Thanks for your suggestions. I will send out an email to the mod_perl mailing list too.


      Learn patience, you must.
      Young PerlMonk, craves Not these things.
      Use the source Luke.
Re: Overloading functions
by BigJoe (Curate) on Jun 18, 2002 at 18:47 UTC
    I forgot to add my httpd.conf stuff.
    <Location /> PerlAuthenHandler MyOverride AuthName "Warning you are entering a development server!! (an +d being logged)" AuthType ntlm,Basic PerlAddVar ntdomain "DOM MyPDC " PerlSetVar defaultdomain DOM PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 1 require valid-user </Location>


    Learn patience, you must.
    Young PerlMonk, craves Not these things.
    Use the source Luke.
Re: Overloading functions Works
by BigJoe (Curate) on Jun 19, 2002 at 15:51 UTC
    This version works for me. Thanks for all the suggestions.
    package MyOverride; use strict; use Apache::AuthenNTLM; use Apache::Constants qw(OK FORBIDDEN REDIRECT); @MyOverride::ISA = qw(Apache::AuthenNTLM); sub handler ($$) { my ($self, $r) = @_; warn ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis override Rules\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); return $self->Apache::AuthenNTLM::handler ($r) if(1); return OK; } 1;


    Learn patience, you must.
    Young PerlMonk, craves Not these things.
    Use the source Luke.

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