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Level 2: Novice

by SiteDocClan (Initiate)
on Jun 12, 2000 at 02:25 UTC ( [id://17643]=sitefaqlet: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Level 2: Novice

This is the lowest level at which you get a daily quota of votes to spend on other monks' nodes. With each new level you attain, this quota increases. Details at Voting/Experience System.

(If you happen to lose enough XP to take you back down to Level 1: Initiate, and you still have some unspent votes, don't worry — unused votes never get taken away.)

Note also that at this level (actually, all levels 1 through 5), you get an XP bonus for spending your entire daily vote quota.

Level 2 is also the minimum level at which you get to see the Worst Nodes listings.

See also: I just became a Novice; Why can't I vote yet?

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