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Re: Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)

by low&slow (Initiate)
on Jul 05, 2002 at 23:34 UTC ( [id://179764]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)

I'm also on the other end of this problem. I am what my co-worker refers to as a "Code Whore". I haven't been officially trained in any language (unless you count one semester of ADA which didn't get much further than Hello world). I have however contributed on projects (and even lead some) which involved anything from C programming on in a 16-bit DOS environment to C# and everything in between(I still use perl for anything I can get away with). Due to this patchwork background, I feel that I would have a hard time finding a new position. At my present employer, I see new graduates getting hired at much greater pay than myself but essentially doing the same job. I know that I could do most of the jobs I see in the market and do them well but I don't have a classic resume to back it up. This can get very frustrating. Just my two cents worth.

Jack-of-all-Languages, Master of none.

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