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(jeffa) 2Re: Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)

by jeffa (Bishop)
on Jul 08, 2002 at 03:05 UTC ( [id://180070]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)
in thread Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)

"I use to think that the bottom line get what you pay for.."

You didn't say what you think now - me? I say you get out what you put in. One of the most important skills the professors at the college i graduated from taught me was how to learn on my own. One of the most important skills a certification taught me was how to regurgitate the most politically correct answer. While i do agree that a degree does not a techie make, neither does a certification. A will to become a techie is what makes a techie - being a misanthrope doesn't hurt either. ;)


(the triplet paradiddle with high-hat)
  • Comment on (jeffa) 2Re: Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)

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Re: (jeffa) 2Re: Bootstrapping Techies (or how to hire without technical knowledge)
by TexasTess (Beadle) on Jul 08, 2002 at 08:23 UTC
    What do I think now...since I'm in the engineering world and work with a large group of mostly useless yet over paid engineers on a daily basis? I'm afraid if I post what I REALLY think here it will only increase my rapid descent into perlmonkdumbassdom....

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