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Re: Re: Blank data file

by Anonymous Monk
on Jul 10, 2002 at 09:29 UTC ( [id://180708]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Blank data file
in thread Blank data file


Yours was the, possibly, the only intelligent reply after Aristotle, thanks ;-)

Ok, to clarify, this thread answered my question early on and everything is working spiffy now.

It's amazing how diamond sphinctered programmers can be. I could have sworn that somone just called me a bad programmer! All gleaned from this thread? Amazing intuition or not enough time in the sun? ;-)

About going back with improvement suggestions. Not a bad idea but not a possibility with this client. People that buy scripts like this don't have the budget to have them rewritten.

Besides, it's a big ugly mess that wouldn't be any fun to clean up. :-)

About struggling for work... Actually I have had a backlog of jobs for the last couple of months. I've stopped advertising. Not only that, programming and design somehow manages to get more fun, instead of less, over the years.

I think perhaps I will strive to become an even worse (by the diamond sphincter definition, of course) programmer in the future ;-)

Thanks again for answers all.

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