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Re: (OT) Professional Employees: who owns your thoughts?

by tjh (Curate)
on Aug 12, 2002 at 20:07 UTC ( [id://189614]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (OT) Professional Employees: who owns your thoughts?

This all makes one want to remember to include points like these in any renegotiation or new negotiation of employment doesn't it? And given the legal tone of the times, maybe opening renegotiation talks along these lines might be advisable.

    Exempt an approved list of prior inventions, and ongoing research, contract work and outside involvement in Open Source initiatives;

    Anything new, (1) on my own time, or (2) unrelated to empoyers line of business, is mine (and be sure both of these concepts are as closely defined as possible);

    Right of first refusal to employer?

    Any or all these specifically mentioned in master contract - no handshake deals.

Does that cover it or are good starting points? Take the tack that if I have to give up rights during relevent employment activities, the employer likewise must acknowledge their lack of rights on these other things.

This all seems appropriate to me and is similar to my recent work.

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Re: Re: (OT) Professional Employees: who owns your thoughts?
by LAI (Hermit) on Aug 13, 2002 at 14:37 UTC
    Right of first refusal to employer?

    I am unfamiliar with that term. What does "Right of first refusal" mean?

      Right of First Refusal has a variety of applications. In this thread it was meant as the employer somehow getting the legal right to be the first entity to view any invention, idea, etc., and, if they refuse it, in writing, then the author/inventor/employer could take it elsewhere.

      The employer would get to see everything before anyone else and reject what they didn't want. Normally they'd have to evaluate and reject such things within an agreed upon time frame.


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