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Re: Why Would HTML::LinkExtor return a hash of attributes?

by Arien (Pilgrim)
on Aug 19, 2002 at 05:50 UTC ( [id://191088]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Why Would HTML::LinkExtor return a hash of attributes?

I'm racking my not-inconsiderable knowledge of HTML to try and find a situation where a single tag could have two or more attributes which were links.

Well, <object> has the attributes classid, codebase, data, and archive (a space seperated lis of URIs). And even <img> could have multiple attributes that link: src, longdesc, and usemap.

— Arien

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Re: Re: Why Would HTML::LinkExtor return a hash of attributes?
by Cody Pendant (Prior) on Aug 19, 2002 at 06:01 UTC
    <img> could have multiple attributes that link: src, longdesc, and usemap.

    Now that makes sense. I bet I could have figured it out if I'd thought a bit longer. I'm so lazy.

    Thanks for your help, podmaster, but surely the guy is intending it to be used as a hash?

    One useful attribute of it being a hash would be to clobber incorrect HTML where a link had two HREFs.

    ($_='jjjuuusssttt annootthheer pppeeerrrlll haaaccckkeer')=~y/a-z//s;print;
      "but surely the guy is intending it to be used as a hash?"

      I'm not a mindreader. HTML::LinkExtor is a pretty mature module, and I doubt the interface should/will change.

      You can certainly try to persuade the guy (perlsonally i'd rather just write HTML::LinkExtractor which would do all the things you say here, but would also extract the link text (stuff in between <a ..> </a> tags).

      " One useful attribute of it being a hash would be to clobber incorrect HTML where a link had two HREFs. "

      You don't have to worry about that (when in doubt, test).

      use HTML::LinkExtor; my $p = new HTML::LinkExtor( sub { print "@_\n" }, ); $p->parse( q{ <a href="BUTTER" href="SCOTCH"> <img src="AND" src="PEANUTS"> }); __END__ a href SCOTCH img src PEANUTS

      ** The Third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.

        I don't want to persuade the guy to change. I've long ago had my question answered, i.e. "why isn't there just a single attribute for each tag?", because it's been noted that there are indeed instances where there are two or more attributes which constitute a link in one tag.
        ($_='jjjuuusssttt annootthheer pppeeerrrlll haaaccckkeer')=~y/a-z//s;print;

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