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Re: Keep PerlMonks modules alive?

by Aristotle (Chancellor)
on Aug 20, 2002 at 17:23 UTC ( [id://191522]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (ZZamboni: Keep PerlMonks modules alive?) Re: PerlMonks modules 2.0
in thread PerlMonks modules 2.0

Personally, I'm not sure there's that big a need. Using LWP::UserAgent and XML::Simple I cooked up a chatterbox client in an hour. Now that we have tickers for just about anything you might want one for as well as displaytype=xml, I think what's rather needed is thourough, centralized documentation of these. Currently, information about the tickers is randomly scattered throughout the site and can only be found via judicious use of Google and Super Search. I'm currently working on collecting nodes with info about the tickers and want to write some overview documentation from them, to put on my homenode (or maybe I'll ask for some space on jcwren's server).

That said, I did refactor some of my simple client's code into a tiny module..

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Re^2: Keep PerlMonks modules alive?
by demerphq (Chancellor) on Aug 30, 2004 at 17:18 UTC

    What XML generators are currently available on PerlMonks? has basic documentation on the tickers. It isnt exhaustive but it is closes thing to the documentation you mention needing. (I'm guessing you probably know this already, but I felt the link belonged in this thread.)


      First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
      -- Gandhi

      Yes, I know. At the time I posted this, documentation was much scarcer than it is now. In fact, I got into pmdev because I was asking tye so many questions he decided to let me find the answers myself. :-) Of course, I've yet to actually publish the tools whose contruction I needed this information for… but at least the most important chunk of the knowledge that wasn't available to me is available in use PerlMonksFacts;

      Makeshifts last the longest.

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