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Re(3): regexp hang?

by Arien (Pilgrim)
on Aug 22, 2002 at 06:02 UTC ( [id://191940]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: regexp hang?
in thread regexp hang?

tye has already told you why you could see slowness caused by backtracking. Also, I would write "seperate $string in two parts: the first 200 words ($intro) and the rest ($rest)" like this:

($rest = $string) =~ s/\A((?:\w+\W+){200})//s and $intro = $1;

(Assuming your string starts with a word character and you don't mind the extra non-word character(s) after the 200th word.)

— Arien

Edit: If you don't care about changing the value of $string you could obviously leave out the copy to $rest.

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