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RE: Automatic CODE tags

by httptech (Chaplain)
on Jun 21, 2000 at 22:11 UTC ( [id://19295]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Automatic CODE tags

Why not just add extra, largish instructions for initiate-level users only?

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RE: RE: Automatic CODE tags
by Odud (Pilgrim) on Jun 21, 2000 at 22:40 UTC
    I suspect that people are so desperate for some sort of answer that they tend not to read anything, even if it was in foot high letters. Another thought occurred to me last night - are people expecting a reply through the e-mail address that they give when they register? Again the register user screen makes this clear but do people read it?

    In the "Debug this!!" post that triggered this thread I suspect that the original poster never read any of the replies - pehaps he didn't know that he had to or even how to.
      I'm thinking maybe the "Debug this!!" poster expected his post to show up on the main page of the site, and when he didn't see it there he kept posting. Another thing that could be explained for initiates, that their post will not appear on the main page unless it is moderated up. This could be put on the page after they submit the question.
        Maybe while they are initiates everything could be e-mailed to them with a warning that this will stop as soon as they are not. Or is this too difficult to do - my understanding of Everything is limited. (I like that phrase!)

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