in reply to Post-Posting Etiquette

Dunno about generally accepted, but I do something like this:

Some people tend to write whole changelogs, some even timestamped for every change they make, including typo edits and other stuff. While I am too lazy to do that myself, I kinda like reading those. It shows that the post is alive and maintained by the owner. Oftenly I guess it is overkill, but if one has the stamina to do such, keep it up. :)

I think pointing out edits is mostly only necessary if it would mean something to anyone reading it both before and after the edit in question. But it is also a nice tool to show how you were thinking from the start, and how that thinking might have changed - it is a part of how you write, in a way.

You have moved into a dark place.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.