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Re: Re: PerlMonks modules 2.0

by Jouke (Curate)
on Sep 11, 2002 at 14:47 UTC ( [id://196964]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: PerlMonks modules 2.0
in thread PerlMonks modules 2.0

I would like to take over the maintenance of these modules. ZZamboni created a sourceforge project for them, where I donwloaded them and discovered that these don't work either.

I /msg'd him to ask if he'd mind if I'd take over and put it on CPAN. But I haven't heard from him since. I use the modules for a client I'm writing myself. If I don't hear from him, I'll take the sources, apply the patches and put it on CPAN. Unless someone else objects with good reasons of course :)

Jouke Visser, Perl 'Adept'
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