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Re: (ZZamboni: Keep PerlMonks modules alive?) Re: PerlMonks modules 2.0

by Joost (Canon)
on Sep 11, 2002 at 14:48 UTC ( [id://196965]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (ZZamboni: Keep PerlMonks modules alive?) Re: PerlMonks modules 2.0
in thread PerlMonks modules 2.0

I am quite happily using a patched version of the modules together with the Perl/Tk chatterbox client, and I would like to see them continued (or at least I would like a replacement that is a bit cleaner).

By the way: there is some other part you missed in your changes, and that converting the documentation to POD, including all the usual parts that we expect from perl module documentation: NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION etc etc.

-- Joost downtime n. The period during which a system is error-free and immune from user input.
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