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Re: Re^2: What do people think of the YaBB forum script?

by rchiav (Deacon)
on Sep 26, 2002 at 01:58 UTC ( [id://200784]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: What do people think of the YaBB forum script?
in thread What do people think of the YaBB forum script?

ikonBoard really doesn't play nice with mod_perl. There's an attempt to support it, but it's not there yet. I just pulled down v3.11 this week to evaluate it, and I still haven't gotten it to run properly under mod_perl.

It runs great as a cgi app though. If anyone wants to try to hack it to make it run better under mod_perl, I'd suggest installing it asa cgi app first. If you don't, the installer doesn't support mod_perl at all. You'll have to touch installer.(cgi|pl) after each step so it recompiles and runs properly.

Code appears to be written well... great functionality as a cgi, but mod_perl support just isn't there yet.

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