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Re: Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pg

by httptech (Chaplain)
on Jun 29, 2000 at 18:36 UTC ( [id://20379]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pg

I don't know PostgreSQL quite as well as MySQL, but shouldn't an OID be an integer?
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RE: Re: Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pg (kudra: OID != int)
by kudra (Vicar) on Jun 29, 2000 at 18:54 UTC
    OID isn't exactly an integer (if I recall correctly), it's more of a pointer to the data which is automatically generated (for each tuple, as well as for an OID field).

    But I gave it a try, using my original code but specifying SQL_INTEGER instead, and got the following error:

    ERROR: Attribute blah not found
    'blah' is the value of $value, btw.

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