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Re: Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pg

by httptech (Chaplain)
on Jun 29, 2000 at 19:44 UTC ( [id://20409]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pg

I think I am lost on what you are trying to do. As I understand it, there is the OID which PostgreSQL automatically assigns to each row; and the OID type which you can assign to a column. But the OID you create yourself does not act like an OID, it's just an integer that is supposed to hold OID numbers from another table.
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RE: Re: Difficulty inserting a large object using DBD::Pg (kudra: info on Postgre OIDs)
by kudra (Vicar) on Jun 29, 2000 at 19:53 UTC
    I think I'm getting a bit lost, too--that last post reads like a children's song: "OID kudra had a db, OI-OI-D!"

    Yes, there is an OID which Postgre assigns to each row.
    Yes, there is also an OID type which you can assign to a column.

    If you look in a table containing an OID column, you will see a number which was created by pg, which lets it know how to find the large object data. You don't create the number, you just give it the data and it uses the number for itself. My problem is with inserting the data.

    Update: Just a few details from various chatterbox discussions:
    I'm using OID because that's the postgres implementation of BLOB. I can't use TEXT, which is limited by pagesize (as far as I know, and I have looked).

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