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Capturing mouse and keyboard eventsby BigJoe (Curate) |
on Oct 10, 2002 at 15:56 UTC ( [id://204209]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
BigJoe has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
The node "Capturing Keystrokes" reminded me of a project I have sitting on my desk (under piles of paper). I need to create a utility to capture mouse and keyboard movements to create a "Script" for an application called Xautomation. This tool automates testing of GUI Applications. I have researched doing this in C but I still haven't found a solid way of doing this. I was working with some Xfree86 internals attempting to get something but without much success. My goal is to be able to run this "Macro recording" application that will create a window allowing management of the macros. Does any one know of a tool set that will allow me to log the different events happening on the GUI even though my gui isn't covering the screen? I have read that you can only read the event info if it is in your "window." I also want the events to pass through to the expected window and not be lost in my application. Does any one know if this can even be done? Thanks --BigJoe Learn patience, you must. Young PerlMonk, craves Not these things. Use the source Luke.
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