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Re: (tye)Re: Funny html rendering after recent PM changes

by rah (Monk)
on Oct 19, 2002 at 01:42 UTC ( [id://206473]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (tye)Re: Funny html rendering after recent PM changes
in thread Funny html rendering after recent PM changes

I didn't see any particular pattern. Certainly nothing like Mr. Muskrat's example which I think I would have recognized as the problem. But the PRE tags make sense. (as I just demonstrated to myself when I tried to include <PRE> in this message without escaping it). Any text just over the "border" of a frame the size of my browser window would force it to stretch and resuire a right scroll. Thanks tye for the explaination. Now if we can just get everyone to preview, editor intervention won't be necessary.

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