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XP is just a number

My final entry :)

by PhiRatE (Monk)
on Nov 15, 2002 at 12:21 UTC ( [id://213126]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Efficient run determination.

use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE'; void p_process_2(SV *svv) { char prev = 0; long count = 0; long i=0; long len = SvCUR(svv); AV *array; AV *list; char *s = SvPV(svv, len); Inline_Stack_Vars; Inline_Stack_Reset; list = newAV(); av_extend(list, 500); prev = *s; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { if (prev == *s) { count++; } else { array = newAV(); av_push(array,newSVpvn(&prev,1)); av_push(array,newSViv(i-count)); av_push(array,newSViv(count)); av_push(list,newRV_inc(array)); prev = *s; count=1; } s++; } Inline_Stack_Push(newRV_inc(list)); Inline_Stack_Done; } END_OF_C_CODE

Featuring no problems with null chars (binary clean), array pre-extension and the fastest performance so far :)

Its kinda like golf with benchmarks.

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