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Re: download progress with gtk

by Aristotle (Chancellor)
on Nov 27, 2002 at 12:59 UTC ( [id://216079]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to download progress with gtk

See, that is what made me invent multiple method calls against the same object (f.ex GUI programming). :) Including some addition cleanups, it ends up looking like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Gtk; use LWP::UserAgent; use URI; sub configure_object { # see id://208407 my $object = shift; while(@_) { my ($meth, $param) = splice @_, 0, 2; my $obj = $object; until((not defined $param) or ref $param) { $obj = $obj->$meth; ($meth, $param) = ($param, shift); } $obj->$meth(@{ $param || [] }); } return $object; } Gtk->set_locale; Gtk->init; use constant TRUE => 1; use constant FALSE => 0; my ($entry, $label, $pbar); my $window = configure_object( Gtk::Window->new('toplevel'), border_width => [ 10 ], set_title => [ 'Gtk Downloader' ], signal_connect => [ delete_event => sub { Gtk->exit(0) } ], add => [ configure_object( Gtk::VBox->new(FALSE, 0), pack_start => [ $label = configure_object( Gtk::Label->new("File to retrieve\n"), show => undef, ), FALSE, FALSE, 10 ], pack_start => [ configure_object( $entry = Gtk::Entry->new(100), signal_connect => [ activate => \&get_entry ], set_text => [ "Enter URL:" ], select_region => [ 0, 0 ], show => undef, ), TRUE, TRUE, 0 ], pack_start => [ $pbar = configure_object( Gtk::ProgressBar->new_with_adjustment( Gtk::Adjustment->new(0, 1, 100, 0, 0, 0) ), set_format_string => [ "%p%%" ], set_show_text => [ 1 ], set_value => [ 1 ], show => undef, ), FALSE, FALSE, 10 ], add => [ configure_object( Gtk::HBox->new(FALSE, 0), pack_start => [ configure_object( Gtk::Button->new("Start"), signal_connect => [ clicked => \&get_file ], show => undef, ), TRUE, FALSE, 0 ], pack_start => [ configure_object( Gtk::Button->new("Close"), signal_connect => [ clicked => sub { Gtk->exit(0) } ], show => undef, ), TRUE, FALSE, 0 ], show => undef, )], show => undef, )], show => undef, ); Gtk->main; exit 0; sub get_file{ my $uri = URI->new($entry->get_text()); my $filename = $uri->path(); $filename =~ s!^.*/!!g; unless($filename) { $filename = $uri->as_string; $filename =~ tr[/][-]; } $label->set_text("$filename\n"); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; open(my($fh), ">", $filename) or return; # FIXME notify the user h +ere my ($expected_length, $bytes_received, $first_call) = (0,0,1); my $res = $ua->request( HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri->as_string), sub { my ($chunk, $res) = @_; $bytes_received += length($chunk); if($first_call) { $expected_length = $res->content_length || 0; $label->set_text("Getting $filename\n$expected_length +bytes"); $pbar->set_value(0); undef $first_call; } $pbar->set_value(1 + int(100 * $bytes_received / $expected +_length)) if $expected_length; print $fh $chunk; Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending; }, ); close $fh; if($res->is_success) { $label->set_text("$filename saved."); $pbar->set_value(101); } else{ $label->set_text("Download failed, check URL."); unlink $filename unless -s $filename; } }

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