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Re^4: Why I choose Perl

by herveus (Prior)
on Dec 23, 2002 at 19:13 UTC ( [id://221931]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re(3): Why I choose Perl
in thread Why I choose Perl


I went to If there is a reasonable body of reusable code there, it seems to be well hidden. It appears that CJAN is still a concept, not an actuality.

I'm not trying to dismiss Java or Python; I know how to spell each. Beyond that, I can't make an informed comparison. I doknow that Perl and CPAN work for me.

CPAN appears to remain one of the strongest features of Perl. It also appears that "competing" languages are still a ways off from offering a similar, comprehensive solution for code sharing.


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Re(5): Why I choose Perl
by cjf-II (Monk) on Dec 23, 2002 at 19:18 UTC
    It appears that CJAN is still a concept, not an actuality.

    By "CJAN's on its way" I meant the planning phase had begun. I should have made that more clear. See the mailing list for info on CJAN's progress :).

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