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Re: Why I learn a language.

by Abigail-II (Bishop)
on Feb 24, 2003 at 09:44 UTC ( [id://238067]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Why I learn a language.

I started with Perl in Januari 1995. I had just finished a project that consisted of creating a website for a division of one of the largest multinationals of the world. All we had was a CD-ROM with images, and a (corrupt) ASCII dump of a database, and 160 hours. I did the job with a bunch of shell and awk programs. It took three hours to run, creating about 500 HTML pages, and about 1000 images.

Even during the project, I thought there should be a more convenient way. So, sometime after the project was completed, I started to learn Perl. I started with perl4, but within the hour I wanted to do multidimensional arrays. Not knowing how to do it, I looked for a Usenet group. Found comp.lang.perl, waited a few hours before my upstream UUCP nodes were configured to pass me the group. Soon after I started reading the group, I became aware perl4 was history. I got myself perl5.000h, read all the manuals back-to-back, and the rest is history.


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