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Re: Re: Why I learn a language.

by revdiablo (Prior)
on Feb 25, 2003 at 09:35 UTC ( [id://238391]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Why I learn a language.
in thread Why I learn a language.

Warning: the following text may contain some ill-contrived generalities. You have been warned. :)

Interesting that you went from Python to Perl. Most of the 'switcher' stories I hear are the other way around. In fact, I hear Python users talking about their previous life as a Perl coder so often, it makes me wonder if I shouldn't launch an in-depth attempt to learn the language. (Then I realize all their criticisms of Perl seem to be based on an extremely superficial knowledge of the langauge, and decide not to persue it further.)

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Re^3: Why I learn a language.
by diotalevi (Canon) on Feb 25, 2003 at 13:28 UTC

    I dunno about you but I've been meaning to check out Python for its continuation support and to see whether its closure serialization works better than perls (which plain doesn't).

    Seeking Green geeks in Minnesota

      Python doesn't do continuations. For that you'd have to go to Ruby. (Or perl 6, but that's a ways off)

        I read on p6l about Python's continuations as a potential model for perl6 continuations about a month ago.

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