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Re: Scripting Language Biases: The Tech-Sector's New Menace?

by diotalevi (Canon)
on Mar 31, 2003 at 14:54 UTC ( [id://246936]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Scripting Language Biases: The Tech-Sector's New Menace?

I disagree. The business environments that I work with (see my homenode for a clue) are rife with scripting languages - Java, LotusScript, (whatever Windows Scripting Host uses), JavaScript and ever so teensy bits of perl. But then I suppose it makes difference what sorts of things you are developing. I build business applications using Lotus Domino for use within a company - some of my peers write Java code for the web server.

There are barely any programmers here (that I'm aware of) that are even marginally fluent in C or C++. I happen to like C++ only because Domino has a particularly nice C++ API. Beyond that... eh. Toss it.

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