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Re: Scripting Language Biases: The Tech-Sector's New Menace?

by MrYoya (Monk)
on Mar 31, 2003 at 19:21 UTC ( [id://247037]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Scripting Language Biases: The Tech-Sector's New Menace?

I haven't seen too much scripting language bias in the workplace yet from the bosses since right now they either say "Do this in perl" or "Do this". But from other employees I have seen it. Some people simply don't like perl because "it looks like line noise" and other nonsense reasons. It didn't make much sense considering they didn't even know the language, they would just talk about how C was better and faster.

I even used to feel sort of the same way before I knew perl and was still in school. It came from the difficulty of distributing the programs I wrote. If I wrote a program in C, all I had to do was compile it and email it to my friend or a relative, then they could run it. But if it was in perl they would have to download and install perl which would be a big hassle if they weren't technically competent. Therefore when developing programs that other people would use I would stick with languages that I could compile to binary. Now I know enough perl that I can whip out a complex program pretty quickly so why would I use anything else if I just want to get the job done?

I think it's a real shame that people frown upon scripting languages. They can accomplish so much in such a short period of time. But luckily so far, the most technically knowledgeable people I've met have considered them full-fledged programming languages and thought highly of them.

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