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Re: Perl Monks += TMTOWTDI

by tjh (Curate)
on Apr 14, 2003 at 23:43 UTC ( [id://250439]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Monks += TMTOWTDI

A voting system would only be marginally useful or indicative of much. It may only be a slight indicator.

I like the search tool concept with keywords, etc.

It could be that the most universally useful system would be a Voting system combined with an Amazon-like user reviews, and/or maybe a bbs attached to the module display page.

As CPAN continues to grow, it becomes increasingly onerous to move through the modules looking for something that I may not know common (or at least community-accepted) terminology for. Perlmonks is a wonderful knowledge base for this kind of meta-data or contextual data, but I've often still missed a module when not knowing a splinter of jargon that others might more easily understand.

This is a classic content or knowledge base organizational discussion. I wonder where it'll end up? This is surely an appropriate community to have such a discussion in.

If there is already a site that presents such ratings, data or evaluation discussion about a continuingly growing list of modules, I'd love to know where it's at.


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