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Re: Question Node

by tjh (Curate)
on May 20, 2003 at 03:54 UTC ( [id://259355]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Node just for adding new questions; persist one preview

The Question node, or Post node, is a good idea.

Wonder if it has come up before?

If your post is a reply, the drop downs aren't needed, but a "draft" concept is excellent. No limits though - one draft will not be enough on Day One.

++'s artist.

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Re: Re: Question Node
by djantzen (Priest) on May 20, 2003 at 04:21 UTC

    I'm fairly certain this has come up before in discussion during the last ~8 months, but I can't find the thread. Anyhoo, I tend to agree that consolidating the various places where one can post a question/code snippet or start a new discussion is a good idea from both usability and code maintenance perspectives.

    At some point in the next year as well we're going to have to start migrating toward supporting both Perl 5 and 6. Having a unified front end with options to specify e.g., "SOPW" and "Perl5" or "Meditations" and "Perl6" might be a good way to start dealing with the issue.

    "The dead do not recognize context" -- Kai, Lexx

      I've long wanted a node just for "post a new SoPW" and to have your most recent "preview" saved (just in case your computer crashes).

      The drop-down for which section to post to would only work for the sections that have the same DB schema (those that nodes can currently be moved between). I'd never considered that idea before, and it is a good one.

      tjh, having more than one preview saved means that you have to pick which slot you want the current preview saved into. It greatly complicates the interface. With a single saved preview, the interface is simply one new button "load most recent preview". If you want to save more than one preview, then simply cut-n-paste the node contents somewhere that already has interfaces designed for dealing with naming items you want to save (such as a file system).

      I wouldn't use the most recent preview as a way to save something I'm working on over a long period of time. I'd save that to a real file and use a real editor on it. I'd want a "most recent preview" just for emergencies.

      djantzen, on the several occasions when "separate Perl 5 SoPW from Perl 6 SoPW" has come up in the past, my read was that the consensus was "we don't need a new section". I certainly don't think we need new sections.

                      - tye

        on the several occasions when "separate Perl 5 SoPW from Perl 6 SoPW" has come up in the past, my read was that the consensus was "we don't need a new section". I certainly don't think we need new sections.

        Now hold on a sec, I didn't say anything about new sections -- I agree we have enough -- I'm talking about an interface issue. My preference would be to build further metadata into nodes so that a Perl 6 question would be flagged in the header as such, and this info could easily come from a generalized submission form like we're talking about.

        "The dead do not recognize context" -- Kai, Lexx

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