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laziness, impatience, and hubris


by SyN/AcK (Scribe)
on Jul 13, 2003 at 04:36 UTC ( [id://273734]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm a graduate student at Western Michigan University, I like long walks on the beach, romantic candlelight dinners, girls with nice abs, oh wait, its not one of those sites... Right then, so I attend Western Michigan University where I'm learning about anything and everything that I can wrap my mind around that has to deal with Network Security, XML, Perl S‎crip‎ting, and girls. I have my own Network Security company that I've started in my spare time (what little of it is left), and I'm involved in several projects that involve Network Security including writing tools, research, etc. Go BRONCOS!

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