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Re: Re: Mod_Perl multiple timezones

by dtr (Scribe)
on Jul 23, 2003 at 19:14 UTC ( [id://277302]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Mod_Perl multiple timezones
in thread Mod_Perl multiple timezones

The following script will work beautifully when run from the command line.

When called as a CGI under mod_perl_2 (1.99.08) it will output identical dates for all the different time zones!

Is this a known problem???

#! /opt/perl/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use POSIX;

    "Content-type: text/plain\n\n",
    "Time zone stuff\n",

my $now = time;

$ENV{TZ} = "Europe/London"; POSIX::tzset();
print "Time in Europe/London is   " . localtime($now) . " +OK\n";

$ENV{TZ} = "Europe/Paris"; POSIX::tzset();
print "Time in Europe/Paris is    " . localtime($now) . " +OK\n";

$ENV{TZ} = "America/Chicago"; POSIX::tzset();
print "Time in America/Chicago is " . localtime($now) . " +OK\n";


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Re: Re: Re: Mod_Perl multiple timezones
by Chmrr (Vicar) on Jul 23, 2003 at 23:18 UTC

    I'd guess this has something to do with the lack of any real environment to speak of under mod_perl. I will admit to only being familiar with mod_perl 1, however this does look like a bug of some sort (it works fine under mod_perl 1 using Apache::Registry and perl 5.6.1). To track it down, a few more specifics are needed.

    How do you have mod_perl set up (some bits of your apache config might be useful)? What version of perl is mod_perl using?

    PS -- You say that this is being called "as a CGI under mod_perl," which is a bit of an oxymoron -- either you run programs molasses-slow under CGI, or you're using the accelerated features of mod_perl. You can't be doing both -- from Apache's point of view, either you're going through mod_perl, or through mod_cgi.

    perl -pe '"I lo*`+$^X$\"$]!$/"=~m%(.*)%s;$_=$1;y^`+*^e v^#$&V"+@( NO CARRIER'

      Hi Chmrr, you seem to have the answers to all of my problems today! Here's the relevant sections of the httpd.conf file:-
      LoadModule perl_module modules/
      PerlOptions +SetupEnv +ParseHeaders +Parent -GlobalRequest
      PerlSwitches -w -T
      PerlRequire  "/var/www/"
      Alias /test  /var/www/test
      <Directory /var/www/test>
          Options +ExecCGI
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
      <Location /test/*.pl>
          SetHandler perl-script
          PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      I've tried this with +Parent and -Parent (I'm trying to support multiple vhosts on this server), and also with +SetupEnv and -SetupEnv.
        Try setting TZ in the shell before starting Apache:

        TZ=<some time zone>; export TZ

        I was having the exact same problem and explicitly setting it cured the problem. Perhaps there's a bug with setting a value for a previously non-existent environmental variable.


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