Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info /msg sulfericacid
Description: - See the gallery print in action!

There are two scripts: image upload, image display. With these two files you can have yourself your very own image gallery!

User uploads an image at a time and specifies some image information (such as title and description). The image display prints/displays 20 images per page (5x4) as thumbnails (100x100 with link that opens in new window. Under each image displays: file name, image title, image description, image height, image width.

What I learned from this:

  • Difference between positive and negative numbers when used as a hash reference [-10..-1] and [1..10]
  • How to use array splicing
  • and this very cool snippet $var ||= 1;

    You will need to go through both files and change all pertaining links to directories and paths as I left them in so you could see what format they had to be in.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # IMAGES FOLDER MUST BE CHMOD TO 777 otherwise script fails
    use warnings;
    use CGI qw/:standard/;
    use POSIX;
    use DB_File;
    my %upload;
    my $upload = "imagegallery.db";
    tie %upload, "DB_File", "$upload", O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644, $DB_BTREE
        or die "Cannot open file 'upload': $!\n";
    my $mode = 0755;
    print header, start_html('Upload Form!');
    print "Upload formats allowed: jpg, gif, bmp.<br>";
    print start_form(
        -method  => 'post',
        -enctype => 'multipart/form-data'
               td("Please keep filenames, descriptions and titles short to
    + preserve a more uniformed appearance (under 20 chars)"),
            td("Image Title: "),
                    -name        =>  'title',
                    -size        =>  50,
                    -maxlength    =>  80
            td("Short Description: "),
                    -name        =>  'desc',
                    -size        =>  50,
                    -maxlength    =>  80
            td("File: "),
                    -name      => 'upload',
                    -size      => 50,
                    -maxlength => 80
        Tr( td(), td( submit( 'button', 'submit' ), ) )
      end_form(), hr;
    if ( param() ) {
        # take form data
        my $remotefile = param('upload');
        my $desc = param('desc');
        $desc =~ s/::/\&\#58\;\&\#58\;/g; # remove semicolons
        my $title = param('title');
        $title =~ s/::/\&\#58\;\&\#58\;/g; # remove semicolons
        my $category = param('category');
        $category =~ s/::/\&\#58\;\&\#58\;/g; # remove semicolons
        # make new variable to prevent overwriting of form data
        my $filename = $remotefile;
        # remove all directories in the file name path
        $filename =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//;
        $filename =~ s/::/\&\#58\;\&\#58\;/g; # remove semicolons
    foreach (keys %upload) {
    my ( $filename1, $title, $desc, $width, $height ) = split ( /::/, $upl
    +oad{$_} );
    if ($filename1 eq $filename) {
    print qq(<font color="red">A file with that name already exists.  Uplo
    +ad aborted.</font>);
        # full file path to upload directory (must include filename)
        my $localfile = "/home/sulfericacid/public_html/gallery/images/$fi
        # full url to upload directory (cannot include filename or an end 
    +slash /)
        my $url = "";
        my $type = uploadInfo($remotefile)->{'Content-Type'};
        unless ( $type eq 'image/pjpeg' || $type eq 'image/gif' || $type e
    +q 'image/bmp') {
            print "Wrong!  This is not a supported file type.";
        # open a new file and transfer bit by bit from what's in the buffe
        open( SAVED, ">>$localfile" );    # || die $!;
        while ( $bytesread = read( $remotefile, $buffer, 1024 ) ) {
            print SAVED $buffer;
        close SAVED;
        chmod $mode, "$localfile";        # or die "can't chmod: $!";
        print "-----------------------------<br>";
    qq(File was uploaded to <a href="$url\/$filename">$url\/$filename</a>)
        # required since module was not preinstalled on server
        use lib "/home/sulfericacid/public_html/lib/";
        use Image::Info qw(image_info dim);
        # assigning info to a filename (better be an image)
        my $info =image_info("$localfile");
       # if for any reason we can't open the file, this error trap should 
    +pick it up
        if ( my $error = $info->{error} ) {
            #die "Can't parse image info: $error\n";
        # declaring the width and heighth of your image
        my ( $w, $h ) = dim($info);
    my $combo = join("::", $filename, $title, $desc $w, $h);
    $upload{localtime()} = "$combo";
        print "<br><br><br>";
        print "Image code:<br>";
    qq(&lt;p style =\"background:url\($url\/$filename\)\;width:$w\;height:
    print "<br>-----------------------------<br>";
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use warnings;
    use CGI qw/:standard/;
    use POSIX;
    use DB_File;
    my %upload;
    my $upload = "imagegallery.db";
    # full file path to image directory
    my $imagedir = "";
    tie %upload, "DB_File", "$upload", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644, $DB_BTREE
      or die "Cannot open file 'upload': $!\n";
    print header, start_html('My Image Gallery');
    my $page = url_param('page');
    $page ||= 1; # if no url_param exists, make it 1
    my $first = ($page - 1) * 20;
    my $last  = $first + 19;
    print "<table>\n";
    my $counter = 0;
    for (grep defined($_), (reverse keys %upload)[$first .. $last]) {
        my ( $filename, $title, $desc, $width, $height ) = split ( /::/, $
    +upload{$_} );
        print " <tr>" unless ( $counter % 5 );
    $title    =~ s/(\S{11})/$1 /g;
    $desc     =~ s/(\S{11})/$1 /g;
        print qq(<td valign="top" width="120" height="120">),
              qq[<A HREF="'$imagedir/$filename', 
    '','toolbar=no width=$width height=$height scrolling=yes'); void('');"
              qq[<img src="$imagedir/$filename" height="100" width="100"><
    $filename =~ s/(\S{11})/$1 /g;          
        print qq(<b><font size=2>Filename:</b>$filename<br></font>),
              qq(<b><font size=2>Title:</b>$title<br></font>),
              qq(<b><font size=2>Desc:</b>$desc<br></font>),
              qq(<b><font size=2>Dimens:</b> $width x $height<br></font>),
        unless ( ++$counter % 5 ) {
            print "</tr>\n";
    print "</table>";
    my @keys  = sort keys %upload;
    my $group = 0;
    while (my @group = splice(@keys, 0, 20)) {
    my $url = "";
      print qq(<a href="$url?page=$group">Page: $group</a>|\n);