A pl2bat-style framework that logs it's own usage history. Consists of a .bat file perl script that checks for duplicates, and a snippet to add to the top of the target script.

I find this useful for recalling commands that I did on previous sessions, as MS doesn't have good command history facilities.

Only works for NT+ versions of Windows, due to "%~dpnx0" and "%*" functions. Can be replaced by "%0" and "%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9" respectively for Win9X, but only if the script is the first find in the path by name, i.e. if you're in c:\ and run c:\phil\foo.bat, and there is a foo.exe in an earlier directory in the path, then you're on your own. I may do a 4Dos version some time but I seldom use perl on Win9X.

@rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off perl -x "%~dpnx0" %* goto endofperl @rem '; #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w #line 8 my $line = $ENV{"LOGFOO"}; my $start=0; while (<>) { chomp; $start=1 if m|^:endofperl|; if ( $start and m|^::| ) { exit(0) if $_ eq '::'.$line; } } exit(1); # Not found __END__ Code to invoke is thus: set logfoo="%~dpnx0" %* call logfoo "%~dpnx0" if errorlevel 1 echo ::"%~dpnx0" %*>> "%~dpnx0" set logfoo= ... rest of batch script ... :endofperl