My take on what you're after is link management, hopefully in some administratable data store, with a directory-like, dynamic display (if it's easy and has a management interface of some kind).
Unless you feel you just have to recreate it, I thought some of these links might help. AFAIK, each of these is written in Perl. Also, there'll be enough coding to go around in implementing anything like this into a web site, so maybe it's a good thing to use something like these since they're complete (more or less)...
- Links, shareware, free to non-commercial use, Here.
- Many others are listed here. However, look closely and make careful choices.
- Some of these have free versions that often have limited functionality (which may be all you need), and provide paid upgrades. Here's an example. (I don't know this product, just an example)
- Open source things like this at sourceforge (do your own testing.)
Just because something shows a purchase price, doesn't mean that's true. Plus, they may have free versions, or the product is free for not-for-profit use. Don't by shy; Ask.