Re: Blinking a row
by jeffa (Bishop) on Sep 10, 2003 at 02:23 UTC
What kind of row? Tk? HTML?
Personally (and i speak for many), i find that blinking things
are distracting and hinder the information exchange process.
Better is to assign a seperate background, one that is
not obtrusive but still manages to stand out.
Please explain more of what you what you want and you will
probably get better responses.
(the triplet paradiddle with high-hat)
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Personally (and i speak for many), i find that blinking things are distracting and hinder the information exchange process.
Personally (and i speak for many), i find that Perl code is distracting and hinders the information exchange process.
Just kidding, but simply because you think something is unelegant doesn't mean it shouldn't be done :)
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Re: Blinking a row
by bart (Canon) on Sep 10, 2003 at 14:09 UTC
If you mean in a normal text terminal, then look into the proper VT-100 escape codes. In that table "^[" is used as a symbolic representation of the escape character, chr(27) — in Perl you can use "\e".
So I think you want print "\e[5m";
after which you can print your text. Disable it again with print "\e[0m";
I must say: I've tried it, and it doesn't blink. I think the resulting behaviour is very much dependent on your terminal. Instead, I see dark red on black. At least it stands out.
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Re: Blinking a row
by jonadab (Parson) on Sep 10, 2003 at 02:32 UTC
You're going to need to tell us more about what you want.
What kind of row are we talking about? A row in a
relational database? A line on a terminal or console?
(What kind? ANSI?) A row in a table in a widget?
(What widget set? Tk? Gtk? Win32? Qt? Wx? Xaw3D?)
A row in a table in a web page?
A row in a table in an OpenOffice document?
A row of LEDs on one of those cool computer-controlled
signs? A row of pixels on your monitor?
Also, by selected, do you mean that your program has in
some fashion selected this row for highlighting, or is
this something the user has selected using the keyboard
or mouse?
split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$ ;->();print$/
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sub blinkrow {
my ($rowtext) = @_;
while (1) {
print$/x60;sleep 1;
print "$rowtext\n"; sleep 1;
split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$ ;->();print$/
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do{ print 0==$a++%2 ?"Core Meltdown!\r" : " \r"; sleep 1}
+ while 1;
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Re: Blinking a row
by jonnyfolk (Vicar) on Sep 10, 2003 at 05:21 UTC
I assume that since you started your post with the word 'halo' that you are only interested in hearing from our saints on this one...
This lowly monk thinks you might find what you're looking for using javascript.
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(humor)Re: Blinking a row
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 10, 2003 at 02:18 UTC
Sure, view it on a dodgy monitor. :)
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You can get that effect with a perfectly good monitor
too, if you do it right. Set the monitor refresh rate
to sixty hertz, position the monitor under fluorescent
lighting, and set your screen colours to black on
bright white. Voila, an eyesore. Alternately, use an
older monitor (a VT510 will do nicely) positioned a
couple of feet from a running microwave oven.
split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$ ;->();print$/
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