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Stickman Dance Filmstrip

by jonadab (Parson)
on Oct 04, 2003 at 13:25 UTC ( [id://296501]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This isn't the most obfuscated thing I've ever done, but it certainly doesn't belong in any of the OTHER sections, so here it is, an animation depicting stickman choreography. The display engine, FWIW, is reusable.

#!/usr/bin/perl $:=ord($\=$/);($|,$_)=(++$!, '1 35 14 615524:2 68 33 =3 47 35 =369 42 9 4 4< 51 @5 2? 5 4 B6 3965 87 1; 72 97 5# <76;77 D78DO134 145156 16 52 6< 51 45 2@ 53 ?7 14 72 ;7 3< O1 44 15 4164 1751 86 19 52 64 #2 79 33C42A 43 #; 52 45 ## 3? O1 74 18 41 94 26 ;# 27 ;2 85 29 62 A 53593 6 4424 +4 3= 44 74 5A 5345 5; +65 46 68 67 ;7 5476 4O +26 42742842 94 2A 4368465476 48 566# <O +42 94 3 +; 44 534<45 +64 65 47 >5 6 +; 66 4678 68 ; 4 84 O2 4; 25 : 2 6; 3393 44 35 <3 64 37 842?435446 455464 47 44 88 49 ;5 44 55 B6 34 64 96 7< 72 47 3; 74 <O244264 33 C3 4=35 73 6= 41 54 264444 5< 49 45 8@ 59 ?O 16 #: 24 C2 5= 26 72 7= 28 83 25 33 6 34535 4 36<3 +7 43 98 41 44 2443 44 +54 46 B4 84 49 @4A? 55 +95 6457<58# 45 94 73@744O105 11 6125 23 +82 4=32 + 43 34 3 4 + 44 78 64 + 46586797 3 4 + 75 @474 O104114124135146 15 + 51 64 17 #: 23 42 48 26=27728=2 98 36 43 7< 39 <4 64 47 B5 54 56 <57458 865466;6 78 68 96 9; 75 4O06 50 76 085134 14 41 54 16<17#418: 24 42 54 26 82 7= 28 72 9= 37 438<3943 A< 47 4 48B49 4 4A@4 +B ?5 64 57 <584 59 +<6 7< 68 46 9979 ?O +06 40750860 95 16 93 8439 83 +A8 3BC4844994A85745895945A9679');@g=map{[map{0}0..12]}0..7;%c=map{$i++=>$ +_} split//,q# .*+\/O_|->`'<A,m#;@d=map{s/#|\s//g;[map{@_=reverse split// +;[ pop@_,hex pop@_,(ord$_[0])-42-$:]}m/.../g]}split/O/;@g=(map{for(@$_){$ +g[ $$_[0]][$$_[1]]=$$_[2]}[map{[@$_]}@g]}@d);while (1){for(@g,reverse@g[1 +.. 11]){print$/;for(@$_){print map{$c{$_}}@$_}sleep$|}}# Stickman Filmstr +ip

$;=sub{$/};@;=map{my($a,$b)=($_,$;);$;=sub{$a.$b->()}} split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$ ;->();print$/

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