NOTE: This node is in the early stages of development.
The outline and contents will suffer significant changes
as time goes by.
Your input is welcome via: '/msg dvergin'
or email 'dvergin at igc dot org'.
So Now You Are A PmDev...
Read and Explore
Proposing Changes
Submitting a Patch
Code Chunked into Nodes
Code vs. HTML Nodes
Standard Subroutines, Objects,
and Vars
$query object
$USER scalar
$AUTHOR scalar
$NODE href
$VARS href
[% ... %],
[{ ... }], and [" ... "]
Tools and Resources
The PmDev Nodelet
The Everything Nodelet
pmdevil's cave map by Aristotle
So Now You Are A PmDev...
Read and Explore
If you have not yet done so, go to Nodelet Settings
or your User Settings
page and check the PmDev Nodelet item. You may also
want to move it up to a convenient place near the top.
This will expose two resources that can help you
get an initial feel for how PmDev work
gets done: the PmDev Nodelet, and the PmDev Wiki
(link in the PmDev Nodelet).
Feel free to browse the various links in the PmDev
Nodelet. As long as you don't hit "Submit" on any of
the pages, you cannot harm anything. Take your time.
Have fun.
Proposing Changes
After a while, when you have gotten a sense
of needs and priorities,
you can
Submitting a Patch
Go to the page where you will be making your changes.
Click on "Source code" in the PmDev Nodelet,
and enter your changes in the text box provided.
Each time you update that source page, your changes
will appear, color-coded in the code listing at the
As a side effect of entering your changes,
the code node in question will appear on the
Patch Lister (linked in the PmDev Nodelet).
Code Chunked into Nodes
Not all reachable via "Source code" link.
Code vs. HTML Nodes
Standard Subroutines, Objects,
and Vars
$query object
$USER scalar
$AUTHOR scalar
$NODE href
$VARS href
[% ... %],
[{ ... }], and
[" ... "]
(see 'sub parseCode')
Tools and Resources
The PmDev Nodelet
The Everything Nodelet
pmdevil's cave map by Aristotle