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Template Toolkit install problem

by jdtoronto (Prior)
on Nov 25, 2003 at 18:22 UTC ( [id://309999]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

jdtoronto has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Esteemed monks,

In my RH8.0 machine with Perl 5.8.1 I have tried installing Template Toolkit - basically so I can look at some of the examples given in various articles and tutorials on Class::DBI.

But I get one simple error at the end of the process which I cannot get past. The result of 'make test' is in the readmore.

[root@posiedon3 Template-Toolkit-2.10]# make test make[1]: Entering directory `/home/johnday/.cpan/build/Template-Toolki +t-2.10/xs' make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/johnday/.cpan/build/Template-Toolkit +-2.10/xs' PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" " +test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/args...........ok t/autoform.......ok 20/25FAILED 21: - template text 9 did not match e +xpected t/autoform.......FAILED test 21 Failed 1/25 tests, 96.00% okay t/base...........ok t/binop..........ok t/block..........ok t/blocks.........ok t/capture........ok t/case...........ok t/cgi............ok t/chomp..........ok t/compile1.......ok t/compile2.......ok t/compile3.......ok t/compile4.......ok t/compile5.......ok t/config.........ok t/constants......ok t/context........ok t/datafile.......ok t/date...........ok t/dbi............ok t/debug..........ok t/directive......ok t/directry.......ok t/document.......ok t/dom............skipped all skipped: XML::DOM v1.27 or later not installed t/domview........skipped all skipped: XML::DOM v1.27 or later not installed t/dumper.........ok t/error..........ok t/evalperl.......ok t/exception......ok t/factory........ok t/file...........ok t/filter.........ok t/foreach........ok t/format.........ok t/gd.............skipped all skipped: GD module(s) not installed t/gdgraph........skipped all skipped: GD module(s) not installed t/gdgraph3d......skipped all skipped: GD module(s) not installed t/gdtext.........skipped all skipped: GD module(s) not installed t/gdtextalign....skipped all skipped: GD module(s) not installed t/gdtextwrap.....skipped all skipped: GD module(s) not installed t/html...........ok t/image..........skipped all skipped: Neither Image::Info nor Image::Size installed t/include........ok t/iterator.......ok t/latex2dvi......ok t/latex2pdf......ok t/latex2ps.......ok t/leak...........ok t/list...........ok t/macro..........ok t/object.........ok t/output.........ok t/parser.........ok t/plugins........ok t/plusfile.......ok t/pod............skipped all skipped: Pod::POM not installed t/prefix.........ok t/proc...........ok t/process........ok t/provider.......ok t/ref............ok t/rss............ok t/service........ok t/skel...........ok t/stash-xs.......ok t/stash..........ok t/stashc.........ok t/stop...........ok t/strcat.........ok t/string.........ok t/switch.........ok t/table..........ok t/tags...........ok t/template.......ok t/text...........ok t/throw..........ok t/tiedhash.......ok t/try............ok t/url............ok t/vars...........ok t/varsv1.........ok t/view...........ok t/vmeth..........ok t/while..........ok t/wrap...........ok t/wrapper........ok t/xmlstyle.......ok t/xpath..........ok Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- t/autoform.t 25 1 4.00% 21 10 tests skipped. Failed 1/90 test scripts, 98.89% okay. 1/2585 subtests failed, 99.96% +okay. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

If anybody can offer any adive I would be grateful.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Template Toolkit install problem
by Chmrr (Vicar) on Nov 25, 2003 at 19:26 UTC

    The Text::Autoformat tests are unreliable under perl 5.8.0 and higher (and perhaps in general, alas). There's the following code in t/autoform.t:

    if ($] == 5.008) { skip_all('Text::Autoformat tests unreliable under 5.8.0'); } while it looks like 5.8.0 was accounted for, 5.8.1 wasn't. In any case, the test failure is harmless; go ahead and install anyways.

    Update: As an aside, it's generally considered nice to only ask your question in one place at a time. What, you didn't think the Monks would come up with an answer? ;>

    Networking -- only one letter away from not working
Re: Template Toolkit install problem
by talexb (Chancellor) on Nov 25, 2003 at 19:40 UTC

    One more comment .. in keeping with the mantra "Never do it as root unless you absolutely have to", I believe you should be able to do all of this procedure except for the install (the final step) as a regular user.

    --t. alex
    Life is short: get busy!
Re: Template Toolkit install problem
by PodMaster (Abbot) on Nov 26, 2003 at 04:28 UTC
    But I get one simple error at the end of the process which I cannot get past
    Why can't you get past it (you can still install the module)?

    Having a failing test should not be that critical to a user, especially if the test suite is 99.96% okay. I'd say that anything above %90 percent okay is okay ;)(acceptable) depending on what kind of distribution you're dealing with and the nature of the failures (like in this case, i'd say it's ok).

    Here's how testing Template-Toolkit goes on my machine (please note that I run nmake test TEST_FILES="t\provider.t t\gd.t t\filter.t t\compile3.t" TEST_VERBOSE=1 )

    MJD says "you can't just make shit up and expect the computer to know what you mean, retardo!"
    I run a Win32 PPM repository for perl 5.6.x and 5.8.x -- I take requests (README).
    ** The third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.

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