good chemistry is complicated, and a little bit messy -LW |
PerlMonks |
Re: Template Toolkit install problemby Chmrr (Vicar) |
on Nov 25, 2003 at 19:26 UTC ( [id://310031]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
The Text::Autoformat tests are unreliable under perl 5.8.0 and higher (and perhaps in general, alas). There's the following code in t/autoform.t: while it looks like 5.8.0 was accounted for, 5.8.1 wasn't. In any case, the test failure is harmless; go ahead and install anyways. Update: As an aside, it's generally considered nice to only ask your question in one place at a time. What, you didn't think the Monks would come up with an answer? ;> Networking -- only one letter away from not working
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