in reply to Screen Output of Messages
Output to stdout should be flushed to the screen when the program ends regardless of whether you are using print or printf.
It's just a thought, but you're not by any chance invoking the script by double-clicking it in the explorer are you? And the command gets run, but the cmd window it runs in is disappearing before you get a chance to see the results?
If so, try adding
print 'Type any key to exit'; <stdin>;
as the last line of the program. If that 'fixes' the problem, then you might take a look at the thread at Small Problem with running Perl Scripts in Windows for some other alternatives.
Replies are listed 'Best First'. | |
Re: Re: Screen Output of Messages
by tachyon (Chancellor) on Dec 13, 2003 at 12:15 UTC | |
Re: Re: Screen Output of Messages
by /dev/trash (Curate) on Dec 13, 2003 at 16:10 UTC |
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