in reply to Issues with Win32::Daemon
You said that you've RTFM, but you seem to be under the impression that Win32::Daemon is only for installing the service. While you can install a service with Win32::Daemon, you need to use the functions of Win32::Daemon within your script that is going to become a service. Did you read all the examples at the bottom of the docs? They all show how it's used. If I take a script that writes to a file and use Win32::Daemon to install it as a service, it's going to tell me that it didn't start.
Re: Re: Issues with Win32::Daemon
by Grygonos (Chaplain) on Jan 09, 2004 at 22:00 UTC
No I know that.. If you read my post it said I added the daemon functions to my script (implying the service itself)
I'm not that dense. It was however the network drive issue. I had q: mapped to a local folder on my drive.. so that others could use it.. and i mapped it as well jsut for convenience. Switching it to the local filesystem folder fixed it.
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You've since edited your node and added the code so it's more clear exactly what you're doing. The reason I got the impression that you wern't seeing everything that needed to happen was because you originally said that you added a couple of lines, which did not include notifying the service manager that the service started.
Glad you got it fixed.
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