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Installing p5-Palm using CPANby dvergin (Monsignor) |
on Feb 09, 2004 at 22:42 UTC ( [id://327763]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
dvergin has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Every year or two I rebuild my system and each time, I rediscover that installing p5-Palm using the CPAN module is a pain. Each time I search around the web and/or PerlMonks until I stumble across the right invocation. This time... No such luck. There it is, bright as day on the cpan site:, but I can't figure out how to get it to install with the CPAN module.
I could, of course do it by hand the Old Fashioned Way. But now it has become a matter of principle. I know it can be done. I remember there is some trick to it. I tried "Bundle::..." and several other variations, but no joy. What is the correct CPAN command line to install p5-Palm from the cpan site? And while we are at it, *why* doesn't it work to just say "install p5-Palm" or "install Bundle::p5-Palm" like I do with every other package? UPDATE: The following line worked. The install thrashed around for a while but it eventually did find the package and install it. install There's got to be cleaner way. UPDATE #2: After examining the "thrashing" output from the previous attempt, I find that either of the following lines work:
install A/AR/ARENSB/p5-Palm-1.3.0.tar.gz But my question remains: Why does this package require a special installation procedure under the CPAN module?
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