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PerlMonks |
Confused about splitting program into multiple files.by disciple (Pilgrim) |
on Feb 14, 2004 at 23:46 UTC ( [id://329062]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
disciple has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: What is the preferred way to write a program (cgi,console - doesn't really matter) and group related functionality into separate files? I have searched PM, and Google; read Learning Perl and Programming Perl and have not yet found an answer. If it is obvious and I have missed it, please forgive me. Let's assume the following:
I do alot of C# and VB.NET programming, and when I want to include functionality from another file, I simply include the namespace the object resides in. When doing classic ASP, I would simply #include the file containing the functions I want. So what is the preferred method of including functions from other files within the same application?
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