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RE: Tux vs. Daemon

by Anonymous Monk
on Feb 10, 2000 at 03:30 UTC ( [id://3293]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Tux vs. Daemon

Isn't it kind of cheating to use comments? I mean, why not just write a poem and put #s before every line?

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RE: RE: Tux vs. Daemon
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 17, 2000 at 20:50 UTC
    It doesn't compile either
      I know, I know... but it was my first try. If I have time I'll actually write a _good_ one :)
        Use CVS at Sourceforge?
        Well, I thought it was the funniest thing I've read in a while.

        So what if the syntax doesn't quite work, yet. >;P

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