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*celebrating a 400th node'versary...*
2 TIMTOWDI and the syntax mean you can write very obfuscated Perl, without even trying... I disagree... I have been trying very hard writing VERY obfuscated code for months now. Some people just seem to think in obfuscations (ppl like T-Shirt guy one and T-Shirt guy two). I'm pretty confident that it's harder to write hard code than it is to write easy code. 3 As a scripting language it is relatively slow for some tasks but with 1GHz processors (now) and 2GHz soon this is less of an issue every day. Compared too uhm for instance Java, Cobol, BASIC, etc (which clearly aren't scripting languages)?? IMHO it's a platform/hardware issue at most. On the Perl Builder/Komodo thingie... beat me til I'm blue but I like a plain, no nonsense editor on a plain, console based OS. I'm going for quantity nodes, not for quality nodes - myself talking to kudra at the Perlmonks BoF (not realizing I'd reach 400 within days). Greetz Beatnik ... Quidquid perl dictum sit, altum viditur. In reply to Re: Re: Perl VS Python
by Beatnik