Hello pmdev and all,
just a small change, but maybe hard to implement, of a behaviour I find a bit annoying.
- actual behaviour If I go from page A to page B and then I vote for some node the page refresh afeter hitting the stumbit buttom. So if I use the Back button of the browser I find myself still in page B
- desired behaviour I vote for some node in page B and if I go back in history with the browser I land in A
We discused a bit in the chat this morning and I realized that here (thankfully and hopefully) JS is almost restricted for security reasons. But anyway there are two possible approaches:
- make the vote something inline within the page as suggested by an uberwise monk, so that clicking the voting button does not reload the page via a submit button but records the vote
- use the OnSubmit (or whatever is called) to remove the page from browser history
Do you thing it is something worth to implement?
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